V-neck jumpers

  • 100% wool knit sweater
  • Cotton blend double-layer knit cardigan
  • 100% linen knit V-neck sweater
  • 100% linen knit V-neck sweater
  • Wool knit sweater with lace trim detail
  • 100% linen cutwork sweater
  • 100% wool knit sweater
  • Knit 100% cashmere V-neck sweater
  • Striped knit sweater with polo collar
  • Argyle knit sweater in a wool and silk blend
  • Wool blend knit cardigan with double trim

Take advantage of the versatility of women's V-neck jumpers and create looks that are always on-trend.

V-neck jumpers add a more elegant touch to your look. Despite it being a casual everyday outfit, incorporating this garment turns a look into a much more sensible and sophisticated one, particularly when thinking of neutral-tone V-neck jumpers. In addition, being that these are such popular garments, they can easily be found in a multitude variety of styles. 

Here at Massimo Dutti, we trust this garment to elevate any look to another level since its sophisticated appearance gives a unique touch to any outfit. For this reason, we present you with our women's V-neck jumper collection in which we offer you a wide variety of combination options for this garment for different occasions. Add a touch of colour to your looks with our vibrant-tone jumpers by choosing to pair navy blue designs with red-tone garments for an on-trend look, or alternatively, opt for a neutral-tone V-neck to transmit elegance. 

Explore our collection and find the most unique V-neck jumpers for women that offer you a wide range of possibilities to always keep you fashionable without giving up elegance and sophistication at any moment.